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Resumen de Open Repositories 2011: Community Meet-up in the "Live Music Capital of the World"

Carol Minton Morris

  • The Sixth International Conference on Open Repositories convened in Austin, Texas on June 8, 2011, bringing people from all over the world together to focus on how repositories might be more closely integrated into the technically and community-driven digital scholarly landscape. The program consisted of 24 general track presentations and four blocks of 24/7's (24 slides presented in 7 minutes) under the broad theme of "Collaboration and Community". Institutional repositories do not stand alone - they are mechanisms for advancing policy and best practices that must co-exist with other systems. This conference showed that in order for repositories to continue to meet the changing needs of knowledge organizations, there is much interesting work to be done to develop repository communities and collaborations, in support of preserving the scholarly record in open repositories.

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