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Resumen de Pubertad precoz central: aspectos epidemiológicos, etiológicos y diagnóstico-terapéuticos

L. Soriano Guillén, Jesús Argente Oliver

  • Abstract Central precocious puberty (CPP) is a rare disease with female predominance and a higher incidence among adopted children. Of idiopathic aetiology in most cases, in the past few years the first mutations in patients with CPP have been described.

    The prevalence of organic disease is notably lower among girls with CPP. However, no predictors have been described to select which kind of girls should undergo an imaging tests. Although the sensitivity of the determination of basal LH as a marker of CPP has improved with the new techniques, to date, the LH peak after LHRH stimulation test remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of CPP. Finally, the use of GnRH analogues has shown to be particularly effective in the treatment of CPP patients less than 6 years-old.

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