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Resumen de Revisiting Botswana's High-Value, low-volume tourism

Lefatshe I. Magole, Lapologang Magole

  • Botswana has adopted a high-value, low-volume tourism strategy in a bid to minimize negative environmental impacts on pristine wildlife areas while maximizing socioeconomic benefits. This implies sustainable development/tourism. While conservation of biological diversity appears to be on course, visitation and hence revenue has remained stunted in most parks and reserves. Moreover, the high-value, low-volume tourism strategy appears to have contributed towards enclave tourism, with a large foreign ownership of tour operator companies and repatriation of profits from Botswana. This compromises yet another principle of sustainability, social equity. It would appear that the high-value, low-volume tourism strategy is antisustainability and hence not suitable for a developing country like Botswana with a large rural population that is still highly dependent on natural resources. This article utilizes secondary data to evaluate the effectiveness of the high-value, low-volume strategy in achieving sustainable tourism development in Botswana.

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