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Resumen de Tómbola y la transformación de la visibilidad

Juan Pecourt

  • The aim of this work is to analyse Tómbola�s effects as a TV programme created by Canal 9 and its influence on the recomposition of the visible class. The visible class shall be defined as a especific group of people who posses an particular variety of symbolic power: the capacity to be seen and perceived by the rest, and who occupy the centre of attention within the media space. In this sense, Canal 9 took over the role previously played by private TV channels and introduced new innovations in the media gossip genre. I shall argue as well that Tombola is not an accidental moment in the history of Valencian television, but the result of the media field�s constitution, characterised by a low degree of autonomy and a great dependency in relation to external powers.

Fundación Dialnet

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