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Resumen de Educación en medios de comunicación y democracia: retos y propuestas para una sociedad en transformación

Fernando Tucho Fernández

  • There is no true Democracy without participation, and no responsible participation without good information. Citizens¿ ability to be critical with the Media and the consequent ability to get good information becomes, therefore, an essential base for a democratic society. Media Education has followed this premise in order to provide a critical education for the citizenship.

    And the field of Media Education is living nowadays an important process of change parallel to the transformation our societies are also experiencing. The research presented in this paper follows the main trends of evolution the field of Media Education is experiencing internationally, paying attention to the different proposals that different paradigms within Media Education are holding. While ¿critical paradigms¿ are mainly concerned with the process of technological change and the challenges that economic globalization raise against Democracy, the ¿non critical paradigms¿ are more concerned with the role of the new technologies in the school and the definition of a set of ¿good practises¿. This research paper presents this international frame and goes deeper into the Spanish situation. It also presents some proposals regarding how Media Education could support the spreading and reinforcing of Democracy around the world.

Fundación Dialnet

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