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Resumen de Ciclo reproductivo y fecundidad parcial de Isacia conceptionis (Perciformes, Haemulidae) en La Herradura, Coquimbo, Chile

Niris Cortés, Alejandro Aron

  • This study analyses reproductive aspects of the fish Isacia conceptionis based on 280 females collected at La Herradura Bay, northern Chile, between April 1995 and March 1996, using histological analysis of the ovaries, measurement of gonadosomatic and gonadic indices and the batch fecundity. Five maturity stages for the ovary were described.

    Mature females were partial spawner because of simultaneous presence of oocytes at different maturity stages. The high frequency of mature females and high gonadosomatic and gonadic indices observed during austral winter and summer suggest two spawning seasons. The estimated batch fecundity (F) for total length (LT) was F = 0.0003LT3.9701 and for total weight (PT) was F = 0.2255PT1.1539.

Fundación Dialnet

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