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Resumen de Il quadernetto del giudice. La colpa quotidiana di Josef K.

Bruno Montanari

  • Besides "classical" ( and legitimate) readings, Kafka's text seems to be open to a nonconventional interpretation able to point out intrinsically "existential" trait of the text. The point of view is given by man's finite structure. This structure implies that man must always decide within a "situation" with all the joint conditionings and limits that situation and limits that situation it self puts on knowledge and reflection. Because of his finite structure, man is, either consciously or unconsciously, accountable towards other, and this is an absolute accountability since God is its constitutive principle. This is an existential situation that obliges K., and each of us, to wonder about the sense of life: judge's "little note booke" is a metaphor of that. Sucha a question could be advanced just on the "border" of reason which imposes to overcome cannons of rational "legality": no general and abstract Law, either legal or ethical, could "clear" man once for all.

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