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Resumen de Factors of Habitat Selection of Acheulean Sites at Ramat Yiron, Israel

Amiel Brosh, Milla Ohel

  • In this paper we attempt to define the environmental setting that may have caused the recurrent habitat selection of the Ramat Yiron small basaltic plateau as a habitat node by Acheulean hunter-gatherers. The study defines the two following main habitatselection factors. One, geologic-geomorphic factors : Ramat Yiron already formed, at the time a raised level landform overlooking the proximate landscape and associated with perennial water sources due to superjacence of basalt over chalky limestone. Two, geobotanic factors : edaphic conditions, existing at the time as they do today, placed Ramat Yiron at the meeting of two vegetation formations : a closed Mediterranean forest over well-drained soils of montmorillonitic weathering and open parkland and grassland over leached kaolinitic soils and ill-drained grummosol. The conjunction of two environments is regarded as facilitating the amplification of advantages and mitigation of disadvantages of both.

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