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Resumen de Los Mercaderes de la Muerte en Colombia: Multinacionales y Derechos Humanos

Luis Alfonso Fajardo Sánchez

  • español

    For over fifteen years, several regions have suffered serious human rights violations and breaches of IHL. Thousands of peasants, union leaders and political leaders have been killed, disappeared, displaced, forced into exile, and so on, but who are the perpetrators of such violations? On today's globalized world the conflict actors remain the same for other times?, Does the crime has evolved and progressed to other areas?, What factors make people who commit such violations are likely to be held responsible? All of the above questions, try to be addressed in this article where it's being from theoretical sources on the principles and functioning of markets be closer to the Colombian reality, especially multinational corporations act Chiquita Brands, Dole, Del Monte and Drummond, from operating in Colombia, more than eighty years, in the case of Chiquita Brands. This is to prove that these companies, as higher denominations of paramilitary leaders in Colombia have had no qualms about paying these illegal armed groups to end just with the participation of workers and communities in decisions their environment.

  • español

    Durante casi ocho décadas varias regiones del país han sufrido graves violaciones a los derechos humanos e infracciones al DIH. Miles de campesinos, líderes sindicales y dirigentes políticos han sido asesinados, desaparecidos, desplazados, obligados a exiliarse, etc., pero ¿quiénes son los causantes de esas violaciones?, ¿en el actual mundo globalizado los actores del conflicto siguen siendo los mismos de otros tiempos?, ¿el crimen ha evolucionado y avanzado a otras esferas?, ¿qué factores hacen que quienes cometen tales violaciones sean susceptibles de ser declarados responsables?

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