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Resumen de Canadian International Human Rights Obligations in the Context of Assisted Human Reproduction

Verónica B. Piñero

  • In Canada as in most countries, assisted human reproduction has become accessible treatment for individuals who wish to conceive. Scientific advancements in the area of human reproduction have led to the enactment of legislation that attempts to regulate this novel field. The Canadian Assisted Human Reproduction Act (2004) identifies the health and well-being of children born throught reproductive technologies as a paramount principle in all decisiobs respecting their use. On the other hand, and surprisingly, the statute restricts access by offspring to information that can lead to identification of their genitors. the disclosure of donors' idendity to the recipients of reproductive materials is quite limited. Accordins to this article, this legislation is in violation of international human rights law on health, identity, and family relations to which Canada is a party. The first part of the article explores international human rights law on identity, health, and family relations rights that Canada has signed, ratified, or acceded to. The second part discusses whether the Canadian legal system is in line with the relevant international human rights obligations identified earlier and asserts that there is scope for judicially interpreting Canadian law in such a way that would conform to those obligations.

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