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Resumen de Segurança Higiene e Saúde na Hoteleria Portuguesa. O caso do Distrito de Aveiro

Rossana Santos, Carlos Costa

  • português

    Being the sector of lodging one of the main components of the tourism system and, evidencing the existence of some world-wide trends to the level of the diverse sources of the lodging industry, the Security, Hygiene and Health assume a central stage in this article, because they represent one of the biggest forces of change, thus contributing with significant challenges for this industry. The analysis and framing of the sector in Portugal, as well as the analysis of the demand, with the intent of perceiving its behavior and its new requirements, allow to demonstrate that the tourist demand is particularly sensible to the problems of Security, Hygiene and Health, influencing negatively the occupation taxes in the lodging sector. In this way, measures based on those world-wide trends are proposals that can contribute to prevent and to improve the Security, Higiene and Health in Portugal lodging sector. The fact of evidencing, that some of those are still not contemplated in the national law, recommendations had been made it to be in the future, with the intent that it will proceeds to the reinforcement of legislative and prescribed measures to the sector in these areas, thus resulting in an increase of its occupation taxes

  • English

    Being the sector of lodging one of the main components of the tourism system and, evidencing the existence of some world-wide trends to the level of the diverse sources of the lodging industry, the Security, Hygiene and Health assume a central stage in this article, because they represent one of the biggest forces of change, thus contributing with significant challenges for this industry. The analysis and framing of the sector in Portugal, as well as the analysis of the demand, with the intent of perceiving its behavior and its new requirements, allow to demonstrate that the tourist demand is particularly sensible to the problems of Security, Hygiene and Health, influencing negatively the occupation taxes in the lodging sector. In this way, measures based on those world-wide trends are proposals that can contribute to prevent and to improve the Security, Higiene and Health in Portugal lodging sector. The fact of evidencing, that some of those are still not contemplated in the national law, recommendations had been made it to be in the future, with the intent that it will proceeds to the reinforcement of legislative and prescribed measures to the sector in these areas, thus resulting in an increase of its occupation taxes.

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