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Resumen de Fraccionamiento metálico en sedimentos mareales de un estuario históricamente afectado por drenaje ácido de minas en el río Guadiana

Joaquín Delgado Rodríguez, Cinta Barba Brioso, T. Boski

  • The metallic fractionation of the surface sediment from the Guadiana river estuary has been studied by a BCR-modified extraction, in order to identify the impacts of these metals in the ecosystem. In this sense, elements such as Co, Cr, Ni and Fe are found in natural concentrations in sediments, associated to the residual fraction, while others such as Cd, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb and As have shown significative extraction rates mainly associated with F1 (bioavailable), implying an environmental hazard to the Guadiana estuary. Elements as Zn (in high concentrations) and Cd (very toxic) are underlined by their environmental hazard, as they associated to the bioavailable fraction of the sediment (66 and 88% respectively).

Fundación Dialnet

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