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Resumen de Desnutrición como signo de alarma de maltrato físico

E. Cid París, Gonzalo Galicia Poblet, Gema Arriola Pereda, A. Aldea Romero, M.E. Rubio Jiménez, J. M. Jiménez Bustos

  • Shaken baby syndrome describes the coincidence of subdural hematoma, retinal bleeding and, disadvantageous for the prognosis, diffuse brain damage caused by powerful shaking of the infant. The clinical symptoms include irritability, somnolence, apathy, cerebral cramp attacks, apnoea, temperature regulation disorders and vomiting due to cranial pressure. Milder symptoms of shaken baby syndrome are often not diagnosed and the number of unregistered cases is probably much greater. The diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome is made through the typical symptom constellation, but the lack of retinal bleeding does not exclude the diagnosis. The injurious mechanism is considered to be caused by rotational forces which force tissue layers in the brain against each other and also lead to rupture of bridging veins between the skull and the brain. We report a case of an infant with malnutrition and shaken baby syndrome.

Fundación Dialnet

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