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Resumen de Prospecciones paleoincnológicas en el sinclinal de louaridéne (Alto Atlas, Marruecos). 2: Parte oriental

M. Boutakiout, Latifa Ladel, Félix Pérez Lorente

  • In 2007, the dinosaur footprints research group of the Universities of Rabat and La Rioja began the mapping of the Iouaridène ichnological sites. The initial problems were the footprints number - several thousands for some scientits- the ichnotaxonomy, and their geographical and geological distribution. Our first results (west Iouaridène area) were published in 2008. In addition to two ichnotaxons defined here, we have studied: gigantic theropod and ornithopod footprints; semipantigrade theropod ichnites and the largest world theropod trackway are new contributions to Iouaridène dinosaur footprints knowledge. In this work, are demostrated the following questions: i) the maximun number of footprints in the Iouaridène sincline is less than 2000; ii) in the east area there is minor density of sites and the number of footprints that in the west part; iii) the greatest number of semiplantigrade theropod ichnites; iv) the fosiliferous levels reduction from 20 to one. Probably, the four properties geographically related - stratigraphic, number, density (sites and footprints) and the diversity of semiplantigrade ichnites - are other singenetic relations.

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