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Resumen de A software for time series analysis of nortek instruments: TSA_NORTEK_V1

Agueda Vázquez, Miguel Bruno, Rafael Mañanes, Oswaldo López, José Manuel Quijano, Juan Ramón Conforto Sesto

  • The software TSA_NORTEK_V1 has been created to carry out the processing of current meter data from NORTEK INSTRUMENTS: AWAC, AQUAPRO and AQUADOPP. The software offers a default data processing (spectral analysis, harmonic analysis, calculation of residual series) and an optional processing (axes rotation, choice of depth for the analysis, processing of vertical velocity component and filtering of time series). In addition, TSA_NORTEK_V1 produces harmonic constituents files to be used with the tidal prediction software TIDEX.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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