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Resumen de Ancho de Pared de Dominio en Bicapas Ferromagnéticas

D. A. Monroy, G.A. Mendoza

  • español

    Este trabajo busca confirmar la hipotesis de la existencia de anchos variables de pared de dominio, originadas en la posi-cion de la pared respecto a defectos o centros de anclaje[1]. Para ello se emplea un sistema de bicapas ferromagneticas (FM) crecidas a los largo del eje x, con diferentes propiedades magnetocristalinas, y ejes de anisotropia paralelos. Para so-lucionar la estructura de pared de dominio se propone un modelo en el cual, la pared de ancho q puede estar localizada en p, con -�V < p < �V. Se considero una pared tipo Bloch, para solucionar la ecuacion trascendente que minimiza la energia. Para Fe-Co se encontraron valores para ancho y densidad energia de pared, de 4.5 nm < q < 9 nm y 5 erg/cm2 < ��n< 10 erg/cm2, respectivamente. La variacion en el ancho de pared se observo en las cercanias de la interface, quedando verifica-da la hipotesis propuesta.

  • English

    This work reports on the hypothesis about variable widths in domain wall due to the position of the wall regarding defects or pinning centers [1]. The considered system is a ferromagnetic bilayer grown along the x-axis. Different magnetocrystal-line parameters and parallel anisotropy axis have been taken into account. The domain wall of width q has been located at a p distance from the interface in the -�V < p < �V range. The transcendent equation for Bloch-type wall, which minimizes the energy, was solved. The width and energy density values for Fe-Co system were founded between 4.5 nm and 9 nm, and between 5 erg/cm2 and 10 erg/cm2, respectively. The main variation in the wall width was observed at the neighbourhood of the interface. Thus, the hypothesis above mentioned has been verified.

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