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Resumen de Lock-in effects of EU R&D spending on regional growth.: A non-parametric and semi-parametric conditional quantile regressions approach

Antonio Acconcia, Marta Espasa Queralt, Leone Leonida, Daniel Montolio

  • The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we study the allocation of European Union (EU) expenditure in Research and Development (R&D) across European regions. Second, we focus on the effects of this variable on regional per capita GDP levels, and on regional growth rates. Using non-parametric and semiparametric conditional quantiles, we found empirical evidence in favour of different effects of R&D expenditure among conditional quantiles of the per capita income distribution, and of the growth rates distribution. Moreover, we find a �lock-in effect� of R&D spending. A positive relation between growth rates and this component of the EU expenditure is estimated for regions with higher growth rates, with these regions tending to have a higher and common growth rate as R&D expenditure increases. Furthermore, slow growth regions seem to approach to a common but lower growth rate. The estimates relative to the relationship between the per capita regional GDP and the R&D spending confirm these findings.

Fundación Dialnet

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