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Resumen de Herrialdea eta teknologia: berrikuntza Gipuzkoako enpresa txiki eta ertain industrialetan

Eneka Albizu Gallastegi, Mikel Olazaran Rodríguez, Beatriz Otero Gutiérrez

  • This paper analyzes the innovation processes of small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) from the point of view of the Regional Innovation Systems (RIS) perspective. The qualitative empirical evidence gathered in the Gipuzkoa province (a highly industrialized area in the Basque Country, Northern Spain) confirms results from the recent international literature regarding: i) the characterization of innovation, ii) the importance of organizational aspects, iii) co-operation between firms and extemal agents, and iv) influence of public policies. We show the usefulness ofthe RIS framework for analysing knowledge creation processes in SMEs and the importance of interactive learning processes with a few external agents (clients and suppliers).

Fundación Dialnet

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