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Resumen de Reformpädagogik als Umgestaltung öffentlicher Bildungsinstitutionen: perspektiven der brasilianischen Escola Nova

Martin Stauffer

  • Much more distinct than in Western Europe and in the United States, reform pedagogics in Brazil - the Escola Nova - was for decades primarily applied in the foundation of an expansion and a renewal of public educational institutions. To do so, a pedagogic knowledge-base was created, which first of all aimed at the institutionalisation and organisation of education. In the present contribution, there are, first, five questions that are attended to: (1) How did Brazilian reform pedagogues justify their copying of reform pedagogics from Europe and the United States? (2) Which reform pedagogues, continually refer to respectively which concepts from Europe and the United States? (3) Which preconditions existed in their country? (4) How did the exchange happen between reform pedagogues from Brazil and those reform pedagogues from Europe and the United States? (5) Apart from reform pedagogics, which pedagogic inventory of expertise did the Brazilian reform pedagogues use for their educational projects? Second, by means of a case study - the reform pedagogue Loureno Filho - what Brazilian reform pedagogues understood in their realisations by reform pedagogics (respectively the corresponding knowledge) will be discussed, namely primarily a renewed organisation of public schools, and a renewed teacher's education and renewed teaching methods). In a third step, it will be shown that Brazilian reform pedagogues - the Escola Nova - assembled their knowhow in a network, which was primarily created through a collaboration of education unions and via education reforms in the country's states, as well as through an agreement on common programmes in the form of a manifesto. What Brazilian reform pedagogues found lacking in �traditional� schools then becomes apparent, and how they perceived school knowledge and the imparting thereof. Finally, what pedagogic knowledge consists of in the Escola Nova will be summarised. In sum, it becomes evident that Brazilian reform pedagogues implemented (reform) pedagogical knowledge as a lever for societal development, which ought to be significantly attached to democracy and responsibility assumed by public educational institutions.

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