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Resumen de Comentario al régimen legal sobre el contrato de interinidad: Commentary of the legal system upon the interim contract

Eva María Ces García

  • español

    El artículo ilustra acerca del concepto y las modalidades del contrato de interinidad, uno de los tres contratos temporales estructurales que admite el ordenamiento legal en vigor. Se analizan sus modalidades y las particularidades de cada una de ellas y, especialmente, el supuesto de contrato de trabajo de interinidad a tiempo parcial.

  • English

    The purpose of this article is to illustrate the concept of interim contract. It is treated as a form of temporary contract. To do so, describing cases in which the law allows its use, legal requirements, advantages and benefits for employer and employee, its duration, the jurisprudence around this contract, assumptions specific contract interim part-time and special features of the termination of interim. This contract is use to replace an employee of the company with the right to keep job under the law, collective agreement or individual agreement. Likewise, there is the possibility of using it during the selection process.

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