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Resumen de Ciencia y fantasía en el "Libro de Alexandre"

Ian Michael

  • After a brief consideration of the varying approaches to the text of the Libro de Alexandre adopted first by the late nineteenth-century German philologists, then by the Spanish and American textual scholars of the 1930s and 1940s, followed by the structuralist interpretations from the mid 1950s to 1975 and the popular editions of the 1980s, up to the more contemporary neohistoricist approaches, the author begins by considering the theoretic problems of handling scince and technology in the medieval and early modern periods. He goes on to analyse examples of the uniquely wide-ranging admixture of fantasy with sciences and pseudo-sciences in the early thirteenth-century Spanish poem, and concludes that the Spanish poet takes a surprisingly rationalist view, and only admits with grave doubts the more fantastic stories in his sources when their inclusion is necesary to fill out the iconic biography of Alexander the Great with the reasons for his moral downfall.

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