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Resumen de On the "kk"-theory of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras

Marius Dadarlat, Wilhelm Winter

  • Let D and A be unital and separable C∗-algebras; let D be strongly self-absorbing. It is known that any two unital ∗-homomorphisms from D to A⊗D are approximately unitarily equivalent. We show that, if D is also K1-injective, they are even asymptotically unitarily equivalent. This in particular implies that any unital endomorphism of D is asymptotically inner. Moreover, the space of automorphisms of D is compactly-contractible (in the point-norm topology) in the sense that for any compact Hausdorff space X, the set of homotopy classes [X,(Aut(D)] reduces to a point. The respective statement holds for the space of unital endomorphisms of D. As an application, we give a description of the Kasparov group KK(D,A⊗D) in terms of ∗-homomorphisms and asymptotic unitary equivalence. Along the way, we show that the Kasparov group KK(D,A⊗D) is isomorphic to K0(A⊗D).

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