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Resumen de Raising learning awareness in the EST classroom: practical application in a lesson

María Paz Kindelán Echevarría

  • The promotion of learning strategies in the second language classroom has been one of the most widely discussed issues both in research and in application to teaching practice. The incorporation of strategy training in the course syllabus of the language class requires a combination of instruction of the subject contents and the development of learning strategy awareness through tasks and activities completed by students. Particularly, when learning English within a scientific or technical course, this awareness-raising process has to be integrated in the teaching materials that are largely related to the specific ends for which the language is taught. This paper presents a unit of a required English course taught in a mining engineering degree, in which students are exposed to a number of strategies that they may become aware of with appropriate direction. Although the majority use learning strategies, as demonstrated in previous research within the same context, the lecturer should make them reflect upon the techniques or tactics employed in the process of learning a second language, thus helping them become more efficient and autonomous language learners.

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