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Resumen de Efecto de la hipoxia en la conducta de forrajeo de "Cancer setosus" (Molina, 1782) (Crustacea: Decapoda) alimentado con "Mytilus chilensis" (Hupé, 1854)

J. Alejandro Cisterna-Céliz, Gonzalo S. Saldías, Cristian W. Cáceres

  • The variability in oxygen conditions results in different responses at marine organism�s foraging behavior. In this sense, the aim of the paper was to study the foraging behavior of Cancer setosus (Molina, 1782) quantified through the size of prey selection and consumption rate under hypoxia and normal level of dissolved oxygen conditions. Significant differences in prey size selection and also in the consumption rate were found. These results suggest that in hypoxic conditions C. setosus prefers size preys involving less energy expenditure.

    In contrast, under normal oxygen conditions the major energetic budget is probably destined to growth.

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