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Resumen de De la mano de Rosalía

María José Marchal Escabias

  • español

    Un grupo de alumnas y alumnos de IES San Felipe Neri de Martos participan con dos de sus profesoras en el programa educativo Rutas literarias convocado por el Ministerio de Cultura. Realizan una visita de una semana a Galicia en torno al eje El Romanticismo y la obra de Rosalía de Castro. En las páginas que siguen, se describe la experiencia, desde la preparación y la lectura de la obra de la autora antes del viaje- hasta llegar a los momentos vividos en los lugares relacionados con sus poemas.

  • English

    A group of students and two teachers from IES San Felipe Neri (secondary school) from the town of Martos in the province of Jaén, participated in the educational programme Rutas Literarias (literary routes), a programme promoted by the Spanish Ministerio de Cultura (Ministry of Culture). During their literary route these students from Andalusia (south Spain) had a weeks visit to Galicia (northwest Spain) in order to study the work by the Galician poetess Rosalía de Castro and the Romantic Movement in Spain. The experience is nicely described, from the preparation stage (before the trip) including the reading of the authors poetry, to the actual visit to places related to the poems studied and the intensity of the moments lived.

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