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Resumen de Helping education students understand learning through designing

Tamar Ronen-Fuhrmann, Yael Kali, Christopher Hoadley

  • This article describes a course in which graduate students in education learn practical and theoretical aspects of educational design by creating technologies for learning. The course was built around three themes:

    Analyzing technologies, in which students study state­ of-the-art technologies and interview their designers; design studio, in which students design their own technologies using an instructional model that was developed in this study; and theory, in which literature is reviewed. Outcomes illustrate tensions between students' professed beliefs about learning and their actual design practices in four dimensions that characterize the technologies they designed: Learner activity, Collaboration, Autonomy, and Content accessibility. Via peer-negotiating of these tensions in each of the course themes, students have developed their skills to design educational technologies and increased the coherence of their epistemological understanding of how people learn.

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