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Resumen de Donación de ovocitos

A.A. Santalla Hernández, M.A. Calderón, M.S. López-Criado, Juan Fontes Jiménez, R. López-Jurado

  • Objective: To determine the legal and scientific framework, indications, results, emotional issues, and current debates related to oocyte donation in assisted reproduction.

    Material and methods: We reviewed the main clinical practice guidelines published in the intemational literature (ESHRE, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Roya1 College of Obstetncians and Gynecologists).

    Results: The pregnancy rate obtained by this technique varied between 30% and 50% depending on the sources consulted. The services provided by the Andalusian Health Service covered only 17% of the indications covered by private health providers.

    Conclusions: Oocyte donation provides good results in the segment of the population with the worst reproductive prognosis. The use of this technique differs substantially between the private and public sectors. With the widespread use of this technique, new controversies have appeared that have not been entirely resolved. The two main factors limiting wider use of oocyte donation are the low number of donors and moral issues.

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