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Resumen de The Dragon is Roaring...: the development of tourism, hospitality & event management education in China

Gu Huimin, J.S. Perry Hobson

  • This paper analyses the development of Tourism, Hospitality EL Event Mana gement (THE) Education in China. It particularly focuses on the changes in the past 25 years and how education in this field is evolving in terms of scale, expansion and quality improvement. Also discussed are government policies related to China's internationalization of THE education, characteristics, problems and strategies in terms of how higher education institutions can initiate international cooperation. The paper suggests there is an emerging voice from the Chinese tourism academy, but it is still comparatively weak and quality issues in education will be come the main focus after the rapid expansion of the last 25 years. Currently paradoxes exist of generalization and specialization, internationalization and national agendas, and will con tinue to remain as challenges in the future.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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