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Resumen de Síndrome cerebeloso paraneoplásico como primera manifestación de un cáncer de ovario

Martina Vilouta Romero, Elena Borrajo Hernández, A. Alfonso

  • We describe the case of a woman with an ovarian tumor in whon the first manifestation was subacutecerebellar degeneration, a paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by bilateral, symmetric cerebellar dysfunction, wirch usually manifest as ataxia of the trunk and extremities with subsequent dysarthria.

    The development of acute or subacute cerebellar manifestations in a female patient without cerebral tumor or know metastais should lead to investigation of an unknown tumor. Elevated tumoral markers, as well as detection of antineuronal antibodies in a patient with cerebellar dysfunstion is, by itself, sufficient to warrant surgery, even when diagnostic imaging tets are negative.

Fundación Dialnet

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