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Resumen de CPT: utili o inutili?: Un'analisi del sistema della detenzione amministrativa e dei suoi effetti

Filippo Miraglia

  • The system of administrative detention for foreigners has two main aims. On the one hand, it allows the Government to show Italian citizens how serious and severe is its ap­proach to the fight against "clandestine" immigration. On the other hand, this system warns immigrants about the European response to their desire to improve their lives. Detention centres for foreigners are the most visible evidence that immigration policies are being developed without taking into account the actual reality of the phenomenon. Unlike prisons, no data, or any exhaustive analysis are available on detention centres for foreigners. Thus, it is impossible to make a detailed evaluation. Only lately, the so­called De Mistura Commission, which has been appointed by the Minister of Interiors Giuliano Amato, was able to have, for the first time, access to some of these data (this at­tests to the lack of transparency that characterizes the Ministry of the Interiors). The report based on the Commission visits confirms the assessments previously made by in­dependent associations: the system is useless, expensive, largely illegal and completely disconnected from the community. The European framework is largely similar to the Italian one and the proliferation of camps for foreigners within and around Europe at­tests to a modern and legal apartheid, in the name of which, nationallegislations are modified and international management instruments are constructed, resulting into a process of "border externalisation". On the ground of the De Mistura Commission ex­perience, in which he participated, the author carne to the conclusion that an alterna­tive to camps for foreigners and to administrative detention does existo This alternative is a fair and efficient management of immigration, included the undocumented one.

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