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Resumen de Il nuovo regime migratorio europeo e le metamorfosi contemporanee del razzismo

Sandro Mezzadra

  • Starting from a brief review of the new forms of nationalism emerging in Italy and in Europe, the essay proposes to analyze them within the framework of the new kind of assemblage between territory, autonomy, and rights that is taking shape in our global age (S. Sassen). The interpretation of racism itself has to be revised according to this new constellation: relying basically on Michel Foucault and Étienne Balibar, the au­thor proposes to look at racism from a polítical point of view, particularly stressing its connection with the problem of managing the mobility of labor and establishing the basis of labor market. In this perspective the new migration and border regime that is contradictorily emerging in Europe provides a key angle from which new forms of racism can be investigated and criticized.

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