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Resumen de Plant divestity in the region of the strait of Gibraltar: a multilevel approach

Juan Arroyo Marín

  • The Strait of Gibraltar is a high plant diversity area due to its particular history and ecological conditions which are very distinct from surrounding regions. This diversity is analyzed in a hierarchical manner, from the whole flora to communities and species. In a floristic context, the level of endemism and the characteristics of endemics are accounted, and the possible effect of the Strait as a biogeographical barrier for plants is explored. Woody plant communities have been studied in detail and the environmental correlates of floristic variation and several components of their diversity are comparatively quantified (North side vs South side of the Strait). In this context, a first account of differential recent historical changes on vegetation in both sides of the Strait is attempted through pollen analysis of sediments. Finally, accounting of diversity at species level has been done by selecting two gorse species (Calicotome villosa, Genista linifolia) and analyzing the structure and amount of genetic diversity (by means of isozyme loci) in their populations across the Strait. These species show clear differences which seem to be related to their particular life history characteristics, but irrespective of the presence of the Strait, which therefore does not seem to act as a barrier preventing gene flow between their populations at both sides.

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