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Resumen de Presente y futuro de los apartamentos turísticos

Francisco Soriano Frade

  • español

    Desde hace unos 20 años, cuando comenzó la construcción de apartamentos turísticos en España, más de cientos de miles de apartamentos han sido construidos, de los cuales sólo un 11% tienen licencia oficial y siendo más del 50% del total los que se alquilan directamente por sus propietarios a los turistas. En opinión del autor, el principal problema radica en el tamaño pequeño de las empresas que gestionan y manejan el negocio de los apartamentos.

  • English

    tarted in Spain more than three hundred thousands have been built, of which only 11.2 °b are officialy licensed, being kno.vn that more of 50 % of the total are rented directly by their owners to holidaymakers.

    In the opinion of the author the main problem lies in the small size of the managerial enterprises which handle the apartment bussines; half of the operating at the present time only represent less than five apartments, and it is the thesis sustained in this article that the minimun number of apartments to be represented by a single enterprise should not be under fifty units.

    Thea uthor underlines the advantages which the tourist apartments present for long residences and points out that the ones established along the Spanish shore are particulary fit to permit to retired people to spend a winter at a very low cost, provided this kind of vacations, are organized by Tour Operators with the cooperation of «charter» carriers.

    It is also stated that a strong publicity promotion, coordinated by the Spanish Ministry of Tourism, could in a few years offer to the vacationers places in tourist apartments superior in number at the total of the regular Spanish hotel Industry.

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