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Resumen de L'Organizzazione amministrativa de turismo en Italia nella evolucione dallo stato centralizzato allo stato regionale.

Antonio Andreani

  • español

    El autor trata en este trabajo algunos de los problemas de adaptación y redistribución de las funciones administrativas que ha traído el cambio radical de la organización del turismo en Italia al pasar del centralismo a la regionalización. El artículo es de importancia y actualidad para España, por hallarse en condiciones similares de evolución, si bien el punto de partida de la Administración central no es el mismo en ambos países. En una primera fase (D.P.R. núm. 6 de 1972, primera transferencia de poderes) se obtuvo un efecto bastante limitado sobre el ordenamiento normativo y administrativo, ya que continuaron (excepto en Umbría) los Entes provinciales y los Aziende (convivencia de la administración local y regional) y como organización central el Ministerio de Turismo y el E.N.I.T., con funciones generales de programación, coordinación, dirección y otras limitadas de administración en problemas suprarregionales, el primero, y para la promoción en el exterior, el segundo.

  • English

    The autor in this work deals with some of the problems in adaptation and redistribution of the administrative functions that has brought about the radical change in the tourism organization in Italy after going from centralism to regionalísm. The article is of importance and actuality for Spain, who is in similar conditions of evolution, although the starting point of the central administration is not the same for both countries.

    In the first phase (D.P.R., n.° 6, 1972, first transference of powers) a limited result in the standards and administrative ordinance was obtained, since provincial Entities and the «Aziende» (living together of local and regional administration) continued (except of Tourism and the E.N.I.T. with general functions in programming, coordination, administration and the other limited to administration of supraregional problems, the first, and for exterior promotion, the second. There was a notable immobility in the región where Tourism joined the general interests (ecology, urbanism, culture, etc.).

    The second phase of the 1972 decree (D.P.R., n.°, 616) apparently gives tourism little attention but results in enormous importance in that área its resolutions states the Regions Competences/abolishing the Entities that worked in them, and attributes directly to the municipalities (comuni) a series of compétences that the E.P.T. and the P.S. had before, for instance, authorization for opening restaurantes, hotels, campings, alpine shelters, activity of guides and complementary services, etc.

    The Regional Entities created delegations in the provinces, the tendency was, after the legal iniciative to supress the E.P.T. and the Aziende to concéntrate in the Regional Administration on a Coordinating level and the municipalities on a local level. Naturally it is not known yet whether the solution is the most adequate.

    The fundamental problems of readjustment and adequacy in the new situation, that the autor examines in two large groups, refers to the necessity of preservation of some imitarían lines of discipline and sectorial administration (for example: hotel classification, setting prices, etc.) and the advantage of not lossing the patrimony of expériences had by the disappearing Local and Provincial tourist entities. The transfering of specialized personnel in these cases can be difficult. Besides in small locáis but of great tourist fluency it could result in difficulties for the public officials to meet the big problems of their touristic industry. Summarizing the regional extent for tourism administration is acceptable, with the exception of some obvious demands, of unity and coordination; but in the subregional extent, the municipal state does not seem to be the most fit and completely lacks the necessary capacity and aptitude to handle this administrative sector.

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