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Resumen de Los diques alcalinos de pórfidos monzo-sieníticos del Sistema Central Español: relación con los diques lamprofídicos acompañantes

David Orejana García, Carlos Villaseca González

  • The alkaline monzo-syenitic porphyries from the Spanish Central System (SCS) show a heterogeneous composition ranging from basic to acid terms which give rise to major and trace element compositional trends in accordance with fractional crystallization of amphibole, plagioclase, biotite, alkaline feldspar, Ti-magnetite and apatite. The whole-rock geochemistry of the basic porphyries shows clear similarities with respect to the SCS isotopically enriched alkaline lamprophyres, indicating that a genetic link between both groups of dykes might exist. This relationship would probably represent an origin of the monzo-syenitic porphyries after differentiation of parental lamprophyric magmas due to fractional crystallization.

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