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Resumen de Orbifold genera, product formulas and power operations

Nora Ganter

  • We generalize the definition of orbifold elliptic genus and introduce orbifold genera of chromatic level h, using h-tuples rather than pairs of commuting elements. We show that our genera are in fact orbifold invariants, and we prove integrality results for them. If the genus arises from an H8-map into the Morava¿Lubin¿Tate theory Eh, then we give a formula expressing the orbifold genus of the symmetric powers of a stably almost complex manifold M in terms of the genus of M itself. Our formula is the p-typical analogue of the Dijkgraaf¿Moore¿Verlinde¿Verlinde formula for the orbifold elliptic genus [R. Dijkgraaf et al., Elliptic genera of symmetric products and second quantized strings Comm. Math. Phys. 185(1) (1997) 197¿209]. It depends only on h and not on the genus.

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