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Resumen de Thatcher en el teatro: la voz femenina en resistencia desde Top Girls a Pravda

Susana Nicolás Román

  • Thatcherism has probably been one of the most influential political periods in contemporary British drama because the monetarist perspective that the Prime Minister supported became an important focus of criticism for the majority of the playwrights of the eighties. On the one hand, this article exposes the central aspects of the Thatcherite vision of theatre as a new means of spreading her ideology of business and social uncommitment. Secondly, our aim is to show the revival of a new female voice in the plays of this period opposing the establishment with a completely different theatrical discourse. From Top Girls (1982) to Pravda (1985), the overview of these female characters reports the possibility of an alternative to mercantilism and a courageous attempt to change the system.

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