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Resumen de Forces centripètes et centrifuges parmi les socialistes des empires multinationaux: Autriche et Russie

Claudie Weill

  • English

    The Socialist parties of the multinational empires, Austria and Russia, came up against national diversity in the course of their everyday functioning. In the Balkans socialist parties are in much the same position. All have worked out ways of enabling the various component nationalities to co-exist. In the case of the "small Internationals" - the Austrian and Russiaan social democracies - these modes of coexistence tend in the short run to be centripetal. The same can be said, in the longer run, of the projected Balkan federaation. In the case of possible federations which might come into being following the democratisation of these countries - a United States of Europe - the centripetal modus vivendi holds only for the remoter future. The mode of coexistence is centrifugal in the case of pro-independence Polish socialists and social-democratic Zionists. This centrifugal trend can also be seen in the proclamation of the right of nations to self-determination. Yet at the same time socialist and social-democratic parties usually proved to have been nationalising factors, at least as far as the working classes are concerned; consequently they can be seen as factors promoting national integration

  • français

    Confrontés dans le quotidien à la diversité nationale, les partis socialistes des empires multinationaux - Autriche et Russie - mais aussi ceux des Balkans, ont élaboré des solutions pour assurer la coexistence des composantes nationales. Centripètes à court terme pour les " petites Internationales " que furent les social-démocraties autrichienne et russe, à moyen terme en ce qui concerne les projets de Fédération balkanique et pour l'avenir à travers les propositions fédératives dont la mise en oeuvre pourrait suivre la démocratisation de ces pays: États unis de Russie, voire États unis d'Europe. Centrifuges pour les socialistes indépendantistes polonais ou pour les sionistes social-démocrates, mais aussi dans la proclamation du droit des nations à l'autodétermination. Parallèlement, les partis socialistes et social-démocrates se sont révélés des facteurs de nationalisation des classes ouvrières et, par conséquent, d'intégration nationale.

  • português

    Confrontados quotidianamente com a diversidade nacional, os partidos socialistas dos impérios multinacionais -Áustria e Rússia- mas também os dos Balcâs, elaboraram soluçôes de forma a assegurar a coexistência das componentes nacionais. Centrípetas a cuarto prazo para as "pequenas Internacionais" que foram as sociais-democracias austríaca e russa, a médio prazo no que se refere aos projectos de Federaçâo balbânica e para o futuro através das propostas federativas cuja realizaçâo poderia seguir a democratizaçâo destes países: Estados unidos da Rússia, ou mesmo Estados unidos da Europa. Centrífugas para os socialistas independentistas polacos ou para os sionistas sociais-democratas, mas também na proclamaçâo do direito das naçôes à autodeterminaçâo. Paralelamente, os partidos socialisstas e sociais- democratas revelaram-se como factores de nacionalizacçâo das classes operárias e, por conseguinte, de integraçâo nacional.

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