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La confusió de l'urbanisme: ciutat o assentament humà?

  • Autores: Josep Oliva i Casas
  • Localización: Diàlegs: revista d'estudis polítics i socials, ISSN 1138-9850, Vol. 5, Nº. 14, 2001, págs. 27-35
  • Idioma: catalán
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • The confusion of city planning: city or human settlement?
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  • Resumen
    • català

      La confusió de l'urbanisme: ciutat o assentament humà? [JOSEP OLIVA I CASAS] Aquest article planteja la important confusió que pateix l'urbanisme, particularment a les societats meditertinies. A partir d'una doble tipologia: per una banda la de la ciutat pública, que prové del món clàssic, la civitas romana, i, per altra banda, la ciutat domèstica i camperola de la civilització nòrdica, analitza les contradiccions que planteja, el perill i les repercussions que té construir models urbans basats en l'anomenat model domèstic. L'autor considera que el model més vertebrat es el model de la ciutat pública. Aposta per crear veritables ciutats obertes, no assentaments humans hermètics, desvinculats i desestructurats.

    • English

      The confusion of city planning: city or human settlement? The author of this article, a city planner and architect, addresses the important confusion that city planning is immersed in, particularly in Mediterranean cities. On the basis of a twofold typology: on the one hand the public city, which comes from the classic world, the Roman civitas, or, in a word, the city par excellence, and on the other hand the rural and domestic city of Nordic civilisations, he analyses the contradictions of the danger and the impact of building city models based on the so-called domestic model. The author holds that the most sustained and solid model is really the public city model. Paraphrasing the philosopher Ortega y Gasset, he feels that when a house is erected, despite the whole city-planning approach within which it is encompassed, it must be built for living in, but when a city is founded it should be done with the idea of allowing people to get out and about to meet other people who are also out and about. Contrary to what very often happens, where human settlements are created he goes for veritable open cities, not hermetic, unattached, de-structured human settlements that have no sense or chance of continuity in the territory.

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