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Resumen de A survey on uncertainty principles related to quadratic forms

Bruno Demange, Aline Bonami

  • Hardy¿s Uncertainty Principle may be seen as a characterisation of all tempered distributions f on Rd such that e±qf and e±q0 bf 2 S0(Rd) are also tempered, with q and q0 two positive definite quadratic forms.

    After proving this, we consider the same problem for general non degenerate quadratic forms q and q0. A special attention is given to the case when q(x, y) = q0(x, y) = hx, yi on Rd × Rd, for which the results that we describe here may be seen as a generalization of Beurling¿s Uncertainty principle. We also consider other kinds of uncertainty principles related to quadratic forms, which describe strong or weak annihilating pairs in the sense of Havin and J¿oricke.

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