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Resumen de Superposición de fallas y paleoesfuerzos en el Corredor del Almanzora desde el Tortoniense a la actualidad (Cordilleras Béticas)

Ana Pedrera León

  • The Almanzora Corridor in the Betic Cordilleras is affected by brittle deformations since the Tortonian. The analysis of fault overprinting shows a first group formed by a set of E-W dextral strike-slip faults, N-S left-lateral strike-slip faults and NW-SE normal faults compatible with a NW-SE shortening and an associated NE-SW extension. A second group corresponds to younger NW-SE normal faults, formed during NE-SW oblique extension to the Corridor, with an oblate stress ellipsoid that also reactivates, in some cases, previous faults. A more recent stress ellipsoid indicates extension, that is locally pluridirectional and reactivate previous fault surfaces, although horizontal striations have been overprinted in the Somontín fault, associated to a NW-SE recent shortening that is only locally registered.

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