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Resumen de Geometría y Cinemática de un Sistema Imbricado de Cabalgamientos en la Faja Pirítica Ibérica (Zona Sudportuguesa)

Francisco Manuel Alonso Chaves, Antonio Azor Pérez, Elena María Mantero Romero

  • The Puebla de Guzmán and Valverde del Camino Anticlines consist of fault-propagation folds linked to a frontal thrust system striking N110ºE. In the Puebla de Guzmán Anticline, the thrust system has a fan imbricated geometry and represents a ~40 km-long and 4-5 km-wide frontal ramp; its internal structure results from the tectonic stacking of thrust sheets with normal stratigraphic polarities. Some thrusts show relay geometries, as for example the Valdecascajos and the Sierra de la Estrella Thrusts. An antiform-sinform system is developed in the intervening thrust sheet. Fault-propagation folds are very conspicuous in the hanging wall of most internal thrusts, where a rather continuous reverse limb is present. Both thrust system and fault-propagation folds, as well as a locally developed crenulation cleavage, were generated in a second tectonic phase.

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