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Resumen de Genealogía de la arquitectura contemporánea en Cataluña: hijos del 92

Josep María Montaner Martorell

  • This article, rich in detail, provides an overview of architecture in Barcelona in the wake of the 1992 Olympics and, by extension, a "recent genealogy of modernity." Although the emphasis falls on younger, less established architects and architectural teams, the authors provide a critical review-via reference to rhe avant-garde legacy of the GATCPAC (Grup d'Arquitectes i Tècnics Catalans per al Progrés de l'Arquitectura Contemporània)--of the Grup R, Oriol Bohigas and the "Escola de Barcelona," Óscar Tusquets, Albert Viaplana, Helio Piñón, and others. Centered on architecture, the article als o engages concurrent developments in lirerature, painting, and film. In its attention to smaller works wavering between the contrasting if complementary values of seny and rauxa, it provides a critical take on the penchant for large emblematic srructures by (often foreign) architectural superstars.

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