Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, los muertos eran fotografiados por sus familiares para tener un recuerdo visual de los fallecidos. En esas fotografías los cadáveres parecían dormir, ya que la burguesía construyó una imagen social amable de la muerte. Dichos retratos de muertos reproducían los cc5digos narrativos visuales implantados por la burguesía en la fotografía decimonónica, pues lo principal era aparentar, ofrecer la imagen de un estatus.
During the second half of the 19th century and first decades of the 20th century, dead people were photographed by their relatives so that they could keep a visual memory of the deceased. Because the bourgeoisie constructed a gende social image of death, the people were made to appear in those pictures as though they were only asleep. The pictures thus reproduced the visual narrative codes of the bourgeoisie in 19''^-century photography, in this case with regard to death. The bourgoisie of the time placed a high valué on appearance and on the marks of status.
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