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Resumen de Nuevas evidencias de la presencia de hadrosaurios lambeosaurios (Dinosauria) en el Maastrichtiense superior de la Península Ibérica (Arén, Huesca)

José Ignacio Ruiz Omeñaca, José Ignacio Canudo Sanagustín, Penélope Cruzado Caballero

  • We describe here in a complete right ilium from Arén (Huesca, Spain). It comes from the Blasi 3 locality, situated in the bottom of the Conques Formation (Tremp Group), in the Tremp Basin (South Central Pyrenees). Blasi 3 is located in a level of grey massive sandy limestone, of Late Maastrichtian in age. The ilium has been regarded as an indeterminate lambeosaurine hadrosaur on the basis, among other characters, of its massive supracetabular process and its strongly curved preacetabular process. Besides the possible lambeosaurine Pararhabdodon from Lleida province, also found in the South Central Pyrenees, the Blasi 3 ilium represents a new good evidence of a lambeosaurine dinosaur presence in Europe the end the Cretaceous.

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