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Resumen de Primera evidencia de dinosaurios terópodos en la Formación Mirambel (Barremiense inferior, Cretácico Inferior) en Castellote, Teruel

P. Infante, José Ignacio Ruiz Omeñaca, José Ignacio Canudo Sanagustín

  • We describe here two new dinosaur theropod teeth from the Mirambel Formation (Lower Barremian, Lower Cretaceous) found in Ladruñán (Castellote, Teruel, NE Spain). One of them is included in Baryonychinae, a subfamily well known in other sites of the Iberian Range. The other one belongs to a non-carcharodontosaurid Allosauroidea. This last group of mid and big sized theropods is described for the first time in the Iberian Barremian, and it represents a new evidence of the similarity between the dinosaur faunas from the English Wealden (Isle of Wight) and the «Weald» (Lower Cretaceous) of the Iberian Rang.

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