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Resumen de Kutura-kudeaketa Beran: eredu parte-hartzailea

Jon Abril Olaetxea

  • English

    In Bera, Navarre, after the 1979 elections the authorities at that time came out in favour of coming up with a participation-based municipal government by working with publically open committees in which town counsellors, citizens, as well as members of grass-roots organizations could take part in municipal committee meetings. However, the heady feeling at the outset as well as participation of citizens gradually died down. The Town Council itself did little to foment such a policy. That initiative soon disappeared altogether although the Culture Commission somehow held on to such an arrangement. In the meantime, there was no big cultural movement in the town and there were few organizations concerned with cultural matters. Nevertheless, after the 1999 municipal elections, there was a pronounced political shift in the Town Council which facilitated things and which lent greater importance to cultural affairs. Thus, creation of culture by citizens is sought by activists through direct participation which goes beyond being a mere spectator.

  • euskara

    Beran (Nafarroa Garaia) 1979ko hauteskundeen ondotik udal parte-hartzailea eratzeko asmoa agertu zuten orduko agintariek, batzorde irekien bidez lan eginez, zinegotziek eta herritarrek zein bertzelako agente sozialek parte hartzen zuten udaleko batzordeetan. Baina hasierako ilusio hura eta herritarren parte-hartzea apalduz joan zen. Udalak berak ere ez zuen aparteko lanik egin hori sustatzeko. Dinamika hori laster desagertu zen, nahiz Kultura Batzordeak, nola edo hala, funtzionamendu-modu horri eutsi zion. Artean ez zen kultura-mugimendu handirik herrian, eta erakunde guti zegoen kulturgintzan lanean ziharduena. Halere, 99ko udal-hauteskundeetan Herriko Etxean aldaketa politiko nabarmena gertatu zen eta horrek ere gauzak erraztu zituen, kultura-arloari ere garrantzia handiagoa eman baitzitzaion. Beraz, herritarrek kultura sortzea, agente aktiboak izatea bilatzen da, zuzenean parte-hartzea, ikusle soila izatetik harago.

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