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Resumen de Immunocytochemical and morphometric evidence of the existence of different cellular populations reactive to r-GHRH in the rat pituitary gland.

Enrique J. Blanco Barco, José Manuel Riesco Santos, Ricardo Vázquez, P. Bodego, E. Pérez, Manuel Rubio Sánchez

  • In order to characterize the pituitary cells re a ctive for r-GRF in the adult rat, an immunocytochemicaI and morphometric study was made of the cells immunopositive for r-GHRH and those immunopositive for GH and for GHRH using a double labelling method. The existence of two populations of r- G R F - i m m u n o reactive cells was observed; one of these was only stained with specific serum against r-GRF and the other was immunopositively stained for GH and for r- G H R H . Morphometrically, in both sexes the GHi m m u n o reactive cells were seen to have a cellular size that was significantly larger (p<0.01) than the r- G H R H - i m m u n o reactive cells. The cells that were only stained for r-GHRH were significantly smaller than those immunoreactive for GH and r- G H R H . Our findings suggest the existence of at least two cellular populations in the pituitary gland of the adult rat able to react with anti-r-GHRH serum.

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