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Resumen de The influence of altered circulating blood volume on ventricular morphogenesis in the chick embryo: analysis by scanning electron microscopy.

T. Vázquez Osorio, Antonio Javier Puerta Fonollá, Mª. Barrio Asensio, J. Pérez Miguelsanz, J. Murillo González

  • Cardiac mo rp hogen esis re p resents a balan ce of myocardial d iff e rentiation, growth an d re m o d e lling, and con genital cardiovascular malfo rm atio ns likely reflect a range of similar final commo n pathways generated by numero us primary genetic and en vironmental ab normalities. In the p resent work, we analyzed the morpholo gy of th e d evelop ing ventricle in the chick embryo followin g exp erimental alterations in to tal circ ulating vo lume. In parallel experiments, we injected three diff e rent volumes of blood in to a branch of the right vitellin e vein at stages 22, 25 and 29 of Hamburger and Hamilton (n³10 per g roup). The embryos were reincu bated to stage 35 o f Hambu rger and Hamilton and th en p rocessed for morpholo gical analysis usin g scann in g electron microscopy. 39% of th e surviving operated embryo s contained ventricular m a l f o rmatio ns, includ ing disordered trabecu lation and patterns of either card iac dilation o r card iac hyperplasia. Desp ite th e high p re v a l e n c e of disordered trabecular morp hogen esis, we identified very few ventricular septal defects. Thus, while alterations in ventricular load in g conditions may alter morpho genesis, cardiomyopath ic phenotypes may b e sep arated fro m defects in ventricular septation.

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