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Resumen de Age-related changes in people over 60: implications for second language learning and teaching

Alessandra Topini, Cinzia Pace

  • Longer life expectancy and easier ways of travelling have modified the over60 's way of life in rich countries. The concept of life-long learning, the desire for self-fulfillment, and the interest in cultures different from one 's own are the main reasons why people over 60 take up language courses abroad or in their own country. Our paper examines the over-60s in relation to their increasing demand for foreign language courses. The age-related physical and psychological changes of this group that could have an influence on (he language learning process should be considered by (he teacher, e.g. when deciding the language teaching techniques (o be employed. Furthermore, knowledge of (he over-60 's specific needs, abilities and potential could be applied to the design of a targeted foreign language syllabus. The aging process is different in each individual and some suggestions for language teaching might not be necessary or those who are not subject to the age-related changes mentioned; they can however make (he teaching and learning process easier in language classes made up entirely of people over 60.

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